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TLS Certificates


When traffic reaches an HTTPS endpoint or a TLS endpoint, the ngrok edge may terminate TLS with a certificate and private key pair. We call this pair of a certificate and private key a TLS Certificate.

The TLS Certificate ngrok chooses for termination is the one pointed to by the certificate_id of the Domain object that matches the endpoint the connection was received on.

If the Domain object does not point to any certificate, or there is no domain object present, ngrok uses its own certificates for termination.

When you create a Domain, it is recommended that you always choose to use Automated TLS Certificates.

Automated TLS Certificates

ngrok can automatically provision and renew TLS certificates from ACME-compliant certificate authorities like Let's Encrypt.

By default, when you create a Domain, ngrok will automatically configure the domain to use Automated TLS Certificates.

When you create a branded domain like (one that is not subdomain of an ngrok-managed domain like, you must create a CNAME DNS record with the Domain's (cname_target) at your DNS provider before a certificate can begin to be provisioned. ngrok uses the HTTP01 challenge to provision these certificates.

Automated TLS Certificates are provisioned asynchronously. Depending on the speed of the ACME certificate authority, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The Domain's certificate_management_status field communicates the status of the provisioning job.

If you created a wildcard domain, e.g. *, you will need to create an additional CNAME record at with the value of the Domain's acme_challenge_cname_target field. This additional DNS record is required because ngrok must use a DNS01 challenge to provision wildcard certificates.

When using Automated TLS Certificates, ngrok automatically generates a new private key for your domain and encrypts them at rest with with NaCL.

Bring your own TLS Certificates

You may upload your own TLS Certificates if you don't want to use the TLS certificates ngrok automatically provisions for you. Uploading your own certificates may be the right choice if you are issuing certificates from your own certificate authority or if you are using an EV certificate.

When you create a custom TLS certificate, you will upload a Certificate Bundle and a Private Key. Creating a TLS Certificate will not change any traffic. You must attach the TLS Certificate to the Domain. When working with the API, this is done by updating the certificate_id property of the Domain API Resource.

Unlike Automated TLS Certificates, when you are using custom TLS Certificates, you are responsible for managing the renewal and rotation of new certificates.

Certificate Bundles

When uploading your own TLS certificates to ngrok, you are expected to provide a certificate bundle of all certificates necessary to establish a chain of trust to a trusted root certificate authority. Many TLS certificate vendors will provide you with a constructed certificate bundle, but some will return the leaf certificate and the intermediate certificates separately and you must concatenate them to construct the bundle yourself. This is the certificate_pem field in the TLS Certificate Create API.

Certificate bundles are a series of PEM-encoded X.509 certificates that have been concatenated together in a specific order. A bundle will look like the following:


The first certificate in the bundle must be the leaf certificate. The leaf certificate is the one which is signed for your domain and the private key you will upload.

After the leaf certificate are the intermediates certificates, if any. Each intermediate certificate signs the certificate preceding it in the bundle. As an example, the first intermediate will sign the leaf, and that signature is part of the leaf certificate itself. The final certificate will be signed by the root certificate authority. You may also included the root certificate in the bundle as well, but it is not necessary or common practice to do so.

Private Keys

ngrok accepts the following formats for the private key of an uploaded TLS certificate. This is the private_key_pem field in the TLS Certificate Create API.

  • RSA, in either PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 form.
  • ECDSA, in either SEC 1 or PKCS#8 form.
  • Ed25519, in PKCS#8 form.

Regardless of the format you choose, the private key must be formatted as ASN.1 DER, encoded as PEM.

ngrok will not accept any private keys that are encrypted (e.g. with DES).

ngrok encrypts uploaded private keys at rest with NaCL.